September 21, 2009
Los Gatos, CA
Press Release
NABS Releases Track Record
NABS is proud to announce the completion of an 18 month project on Ray Crowe's newsletter, The Track Record. NABS purchased Mr. Crowe's collection and research almost 2 years ago and part of that purchase included all rights to The Track Record, his newsletter that he published monthly for almost 16 years. NABS recognized the value in this newsletter and set out to place 3000 pages of the newsletter on a CD. The value that NABS added to this collection was a painstaking authoring of an 80 page WORD document with an index of all 3000 pages. This is the most valuable research tool that any Bigfoot researcher or interested party could ever possess.
This is a compilation of Ray Crowe’s newsletter “The Track Record” written over a 16-year time span, July 1991- August 2007. Ray did a fantastic job documenting various aspects of Bigfoot/ Sasquatch that will not appear anywhere else. Ray not only centered his work on Bigfoot/ Sasquatch, he also included stories on Yowie, Yeti, Almasti, Loch Ness Monster, UFO’s, Chupacabras, etc. We know that you will find this as a centerpiece for all Bigfoot related research.
The Track Record was originally printed in one specific font size. For some unknown reason, the publisher changed font sizes periodically. Each time the font size changes, we have increased the size of the associated document. The size of each document dictates the amount of CD’s necessary to hold the newsletters. We have made each document large enough for someone with 20/20 vision to read the document from the computer and it is large enough to print in a standard page format.
In 2007 North America Bigfoot Search (NABS) purchased the research, documents, writings, copyrights and trademarks associated with Ray Crowe and his two organizations. We immediately made a decision that the Track Record was an extremely valuable document for Bigfoot Researchers and we embarked on a path to put the newsletters on a CD for reference purposes. This project was completed in 2009.
The greatest contribution that NABS made to the Track Record was the development of an index for all of the newsletters. The index is 95,000 words and 80 pages in length. There is no other index in all of Cryptozoology that comes close to what NABS has established. Every major category, state, country and crypto subject is in the index.
Great thought went into the establishment of the categories in the index. There are four pages in the index that start with “Bigfoot”. Some of the major categories and the number of entries;
Bigfoot Berries- 30+
Bigfoot Black in Color- 30
Bigfoot Bodies- 40+
Bigfoot- Brown in Color- 70
Bigfoot Burying Bigfoot- 18
Bigfoot Caves- 20
Bigfoot Children-30
Bigfoot & Dogs- 40
Bigfoot Eyes- 100 +
Bigfoot Hair- 50
Bigfoot Hit By Cars- 15
Bigfoot Hoax- 25+
Bigfoot Odor- 60+
Bigfoot Photos- 30+
Bigfoot Quarry/Gravel Pit- 15
Bigfoot Reddish Brown in Color- 40+
Bigfoot Scat- 35+
Bigfoot Scream- 80+
Bigfoot Shakes- 15+
Bigfoot Shot- 50+
Bigfoot Swimming- 15+
Bigfoot Tan Colored- 15+
Bigfoot Throwing Rocks- 20+
Bigfoot UFO Connection- 15+
Bigfoot Whistle- 8
Bigfoot White in Color- 15+
Bigfoot Whoop Whoop- 10+
Bigfoot Women- 30+
Bigfoot Wood Knock- 20+
NABS hopes that this document assists researchers and the general public in their understanding of this biped. Bigfoot comes in every hair color that man possesses and many attributes associated with Bigfoot are identical to man. We encourage you to conduct further research by frequenting the NABS website:
If this topic has intrigued you, NABS personnel have written two of the top books on Bigfoot in the last 40 years.
1. The Hoopa Project- 2008 Bigfoot Book of the Year- Is a two-year study of Bigfoot on the Hoopa Reservation in Northern California. Includes forensic sketch by a trained law enforcement officer that met with witnesses and drew what they observed.
2. Tribal Bigfoot- Continues where the Hoopa Project stopped. Includes further stories from Northern California and then goes to Oklahoma and Minnesota. There are more forensic sketches of the biped. There is also a section that includes newspaper clippings about the biped from the last 250 years. NABS draws a strong correlation between Native American Tribes and Bigfoot/ Sasquatch.
3. Northern California Bigfoot Sightings Map- This was accomplished through a licensing agreement with California AAA. NABS plotted 350 sightings and encounters with Bigfoot in the four counties in Northern California (all sightings and encounters in both books are plotted on the map). The incidents are plotted on the traditional AAA driving map of Del Norte, Humboldt, Trinity and Siskiyou Counties. On the opposite side of the map, each incident is listed with a one or two sentence description.
**Both books, CD’s and the map can be purchased through the NABS website.
Questions and comments about NABS publications are always appreciated.
©2009 North America Bigfoot Search
All Rights Reserved
August 21, 2009
San Jose, CA
North America Bigfoot Search is proud to announce that we have made another acquisition in the ongoing efforts to preserve the research and information gathered by our fellow investigators. NABS acquired the work of Archie Buckley of the San Francisco Bay Area. Mr. Buckley had contributed almost 40 years to researching Bigfoot with a group called the San Francisco Bay Bigfoot Research Center. Members of the group included George Haas, Mr. Buckley and Warren Thompson, and, others. Mr. Buckley believed that Bigfoot was human in origin and he spent much of his life working in the forests of Trinity, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties attempting to understand the biped. Nabs is extremely proud that Archie's wife, Rhea granted NABS the possession of Archie's work. Archie Passed away in July of 2007.
In the coming months NABS will be featuring stories about Mr. Buckley's contributions to Bigfoot research and highlighting his accomplishments.
© 2010 North America Bigfoot Search