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The Hoopa Project-
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Price: $24.99
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Prod. Code: 2008



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"The Hoopa Project" is NABS first book. It was a 3 year project centered on the Hoopa Reservation in Northern California. We went into the field and documented almost 50 witness sightings/encounters with the hominid. We also spent considerable effort to understand topographic, weather, elevation and rainfall issues that effect Bigfoot. NABS conducted a nationwide search and located the foremost professional forensic artist and brought him onto the team to meet with witnesses and sketch the creature that they observed. The sketches are riveting and left many of the witnesses speechless. There is a new face for Bigfoot's 50th anniversary and it can be viewed at "The Hoopa Project". All of the artwork is stunning and Hancock House Publishing has done an outstanding job designing a book that will forever be a mainstay in any Bigfoot library. 336 Pages. Recommended Purchase in addition to book: NABS Northern California Bigfoot Sighting Map. Over 350 locations have been identified through countless hours of research and documentation. All of the sightings and encounters in "The Hoopa Project" are mapped along with all of the sightings which will be in our second book. We needed to develop a map with sufficient detail to show US Forests, wilderness areas, roads and cities and a map with that much detail could not be included in the book. The map is a much needed entity to the purchase of the book to completely understand the vast area of the sightings and the multitude of encounters in Northern California. Shipping Note- This purchase requires a selection of "Media Mail" for shipping. We will also ship over night or two day but the minimum choice is "Media Mail."


Amazon Reviews of the Hoopa Project:

July 15, 2015
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
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July 12, 2016
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January 3, 2013
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