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Bigfoot Store > Missing 411 Washington State & Eagle Cap
Missing 411 Washington State & Eagle Cap

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Price: $44.99
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 012024



WATCH our video on this release!!



**We recommend purchasing our Eagle Pin now and placing it on the cap!!


(1)Missing 411 Washington State- NEW (Retail $24.99)

The Third Book in the State Series of Books.

(1) Included with the book is a 24" x 36" Color Washington Driving Map with disappearances and clusters Zones (Retail $16.99)

Author: David Paulides

Language : English

Pages 336

Release Date: January 31, 2024

ISBN 979-8-89074-560-6

(1) Navy Blue Port Authority Cap- Velcro Clasp- One Size Fits All (retail $24.99)

Eagle on front with LIBERTY on top- Eagle artwork by World Famous artist- Harvey Pratt

USA Flag on side of cap- Placed Correctly- Initials B&P on each side of the flag- In honor of Ben Paulides

www.canammissing.com on back of cap

Purchased Separately: $66.97

Book Release price: $44.99 plus shipping


Read the Book Reviews:


Thank you Mr .Paulides This one just completely blew me away! I got my cap, book and map, last night, stayed up late reading it. What an excellent book! As a lifelong resident of Washington state,I was really surprised at the sheer number of cases I had never heard of before.



I have been reading your newest book on Washington. I live in Port Angeles, so this is extra fascinating as I have been to most of the places mentioned on the west side of the state, but I also lived in eastern Washington, in Spokane and down on the Palouse. So much amazing information I can't seem to put it down!! Love the map, also! Thanks for all you do!



I just received your new Missing 411 Wa book and can’t put it down! Thank you for all the work you do. I NEVER miss an episode. Oh also I live in Wa.



Hello Dave, I have finished reading the 411 Washington state. It’s fantastic!



Your newest book is great! I’m recovering from back surgery so read the book cover to cover in a short time. Keep up the good work!

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